Sunday, August 3, 2008

I hate flip flops.

That should be a capital HATE. I'm not sorry if I offend you. I don't care because I HATE HATE HATE flip flops. There is no excuse for wearing them in public. They are shower shoes. Unless you are going to bathe, I do not want to see your flip flops. Or hear them for that matter. I was at The Fringe today and there was a kid in flip flops slapping them on the floor about as hard one can do with a shoe, and I use the term loosely in this case, that isn't meant to be worn outside of a shower. I wanted to pull them off his feet and tell him to get some real shoes. Women wear these along with their wedding dresses. I don't know about you, but it is my life's goal to wear the most expensive piece of clothing I will ever own with a pair of $10 crap shoes. I spend more on underwear than that. I'm talking about a $2ooo dress here. If I'm wearing a dress like that, I am going to spend more than $10 on shoes to go with it. Believe me or not, there are some dresses I own worth about $1500 by the time you factor in the hand work.
Finally, if you do find yourself at The Minnesota Fringe, go see Shakespeare: Land of the Dead. You just can't beat Shakespeare and Zombies together in one great show. Some of the costumes left a little to be desired, but Shakespeare's costume was very nice. It made me want to make a new pair of pants. I also really enjoyed Leaving Normal, and interactive one woman show. The performer is from Toronto and gave me one of her comp tickets. I happened to pick a seat in the front row and got to interact with her during the performance. Good times!

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